

Case of study Biodegradability and nitrification 2 samples ES Canada

Case of study Biodegradability and nitrification 2 samples

Respirometry study of two different wastewater samples on COD fractioning & biodegradability for a specific activated sludge process and nitrification.

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This service was made according to customer order points and indications from Hydrolab Microbiológica (Surcis collaborator)

The client wanted Surcis to carry out a study about COD fractioning and nitrification.

For this study the client has provided to Surcis the following:

  • Process type: Activated sludge - Extended aeration
  • 2 wastewater samples: the first one is a punctual sample from an irregular wastewater influent (sample 1) and the second one is coming from one-day composite wastewater from the normal influent to the activated sludge process (sample 2)
  • Activated sludge from the biological reactor.
  • Some wastewater data in the process.

Date of the study: weeks 17 (April) and 18 (May) - 2012

Note: As usual, in the complete report presented to the client, Hydrolab Microniológica could also include a part of the microscopic bio-indication.

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